Pricing Table

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[price_details1 price_currency= »$ » price_amount= »15.99″ price_info= »Monthly cost » first_title= »Basic. » second_title= »Fact that a reader will be distracted by readable. » description= »Distracted by readable content of a page when looking » button_url= » » button_text= »Sign up NOW! »]
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[price_list2 title= »distracted by 30 Free Trial on content of page » description= »

Reader will be distracted by readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that. Has a more-or-less normal distribution. Of letters, as opposed to using content here.

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[price_details2 title= »Basic » price= »$149/month » price_info= »STABLISHED FACT THAT » button_url= » » button_text= »Sign up now » first= »first » last= » » special= » »]

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[price_details2 title= »PREMIUM » price= »$180/month » price_info= »STABLISHED FACT THAT » button_url= » » button_text= »Sign up now » first= » » last= » » special= »special »]

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